Class Information

English Language Arts

We utilize a research-based English-Language Arts curriculum called HMH Into Literature.  IntoLit is fully aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and offers engaging, relevant, and rigorous lessons that teach students using proven learning strategies. This curriculum will help to prepare students for the Smarter Balanced Assessments, and will develop the Future Ready skills essential for post-secondary success.  

Social Studies

Sixth grade Social Studies is typically the first full-year course a student will take that is dedicated to the study of our world. In this class, students learn many skills needed for that exploration, including using timelines and maps to determine the time and place of events. Students will explore numerous ancient civilizations (including: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome, and others) and apply this content as they build their skills in reading primary and secondary sources, finding main ideas, making claims, and using textual evidence to support their reasoning.

Click Here to see the Syllabus